Monday, July 19, 2010

Bottle 1

Veuve Cliquot N.V.
As I mentioned in my first entry, we recently bought a house. Seven years ago, a month into our marriage, my husband, Adam and I bought our first home with the intention of staying there for 4-5 years. It was a small 1100 sq foot 2 bedroom 1 bath house in a suburb of LA. It was a great house and perfect for the 2 of us, even perfect for the 3 of us when our first daughter, Penny came along. Though since she was out of diapers she has been telling us that we needed another potty. And once we had our youngest daughter, Olive and had to put her crib in the living room, it was clear we needed more space.

So yesterday was moving day- never fun, but doing it with 2 kids under 4- definitely not fun. I actually took the girls out during the time when the movers were doing their thing, so that wasn't bad. It is the whole process of moving your life from one place to another...packing, changing addresses, painting, flooring, service people left and right, dealing with unplanned costs- it is hard to keep your head straight (and I should mention we only moved a mile). It is why I find myself feeling horribly guilty that I have nothing, NOTHING, to pack for my daughter's lunch tomorrow. I happen to be at the supermarket today picking up some lunch for myself, but my mind is so full of moving related things that I literally did not think past, "Hmmm that chicken melt sandwich sounds good." Did I swing by the deli counter and pick up some turkey? No. Did I wander down the frozen section and pick up a pizza? Nope. Did I even consider buying one of those over processed, gross looking Lunchable things? Never crossed my mind. And what really kills me is that I know, in the pantry of the old house- just one mile away- is a perfectly fine package of bowtie pasta that Penny would love to take to school, but do I have enough energy to change out of my PJs, get in the car, drive over to get the pasta and bring it back here to cook? Sadly no. We will just have to stop at the market in the morning.

Oh- the wine, actually Champagne (again, my mind is too full of things). I knew that I wanted to open something nice to celebrate our move. I was glad to find out that my brother in law and his girlfriend were coming over to help out. I know that they both like wine, unlike my husband, so I could justify opening a fancy bottle for all of us to share. It was lovely, I usually buy a cheap Cava or sparkling wine when there is a celebration, so to open a rather famous Champagne felt special, and appropriate. We paused in the middle of the day, after the movers had gone to pop the bottle open. A little burst of bubbles poured out of the top and I poured 4 glasses (and a glass of sparkling water for my 3 year old). It tasted much fruitier than the cheap sparklers that I am used to and the bubbles didn't seem as harsh. It was the perfect treat to toast the "big new house" as Penny calls it.

1 comment:

  1. congrats again on your new house jane! wish we could be there to toast with you.
